The role of blockchain viewer

Recently released blocks: You can see the height of the latest block in Bitcoin. Often, teams suggest forking a new coin at a certain block height in Bitcoin to estimate the fork time.

The role of blockchain viewer


Query transaction information


Recently released blocks: You can see the height of the latest block in Bitcoin. Often, teams suggest forking a new coin at a certain block height in Bitcoin to estimate the fork time.


Mining pool computing power: You can see the current computing power data of major mining pools.


Network status: When transferring funds, you need to pay attention to two pieces of information in this section: unconfirmed transactions and the current best transaction fee. If the quantity is not confirmed to be large, it will be slow when transferring funds, so be mentally prepared. If the transfer is urgent, you can refer to the current best handling fee to fill in the miner's fee and shorten the transaction time.


data statistics


Main network data statistics, including the total number of main network blocks, newly added wallet addresses, etc;


The difficulty value of the main network block changes at a certain point in time and the proportion of changes;


Total number of UXTO assets within a certain period


Hash the proportion of data and other data within a certain period.

tom lee

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