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This fight is pretty human-intensive, at least in the early stages in the stage, so be sure to plan your mana cooldowns. You'll find phase one is pretty rough toward the end so you can burn through most of your mana. You'll get some respite as phase two begins and you'll

When he tosses it out the way, you should turn around the boss and follow the leader of the raid. As you continue to cast you can even slash follow the designated person and push the button and leave the position work to somebody else.

Once you've done enough damage to Malygos he'll fall and you'll be able to gather your loot Okay, first we'll talk about some tank tips. If you try it, be conscious of the place where power sources are located and in the event that you're tanking Malagos between the spark in the raid, you may need to relocate him into the RAID so that you can reach it before he can. Be clear and make everyone aware that you're moving him when you've decided to do so.

Then, in the second phase, the next floor is really hit hard. Tell your team to keep an eye on their threats as they fall and to WoW Classic SoD Gold make any sappers pop or snap threat movements to get these issues in order quickly. Okay, so healer tips.

This fight is pretty human-intensive, at least in the early stages in the stage, so be sure to plan your mana cooldowns. You'll find phase one is pretty rough toward the end so you can burn through most of your mana. You'll get some respite as phase two begins and you'll be able to get into the. For phase two. Make sure you plan your cooldowns in the event that your power is cut off, it hurts and you want to limit the injury.

Okay, let's talk about some dps tricks. In phase one. Make sure you keep your eyes open for power sparks and position your self to be the best at destroying the boss while getting that damage buff. It's tremendously beneficial. In phase two, when you're running from one shield to shield, you're likely to get very badly impacted by the science , so keep a healthy drink in your bag and be prepared to take it out.

So, that's it for Malagos If you've enjoyed this post, please do me one favor by liking it and maybe give me a subscribe . It will help me expand the channel as well as motivates me to make more of these things. And if you want to have a chat or ask a question and have a chat, visit my Twitch channel at twitch.tv/jordi We also have French Bulldog emotes. Thank you for your support everyone. We'll see you in the next issue.

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