Cataclysm Classic Gold totems are distinct to the shaman

This class exclusive to WoW cataclysm Gold and includes healing Horde focuses on harnessing magic of the elements to perform their own battle. Shamans are similar to Druids as they blend melee skills with ranged magic, healing and buffs to create a total package.


The class is extremely versatile, and includes healing, excellent melee skills nukes, instant-cast spells.


They rely on melee for often with injury however, they don't have as much armor or carry the same health levels as only melee classes.

This class exclusive to WoW cataclysm Gold and includes healing Horde focuses on harnessing magic of the elements to perform their own battle. Shamans are similar to Druids as they blend melee skills with ranged magic, healing and buffs to create a total package.

As previously mentioned Shamen are spellcasters of the elemental who draw on the power of the earth, wind and fire to accomplish their objectives. To control the elements, however you'll have to obtain totems, powerful items that will enable you to influence the forces of nature. They are obtained through the fulfillment of specific shaman quests. It is possible to cast spells associated with a specific elemental school and not acquire its totem. However, the majority of them will be hidden until you complete your quests.

In fact, the most distinct Shaman spells require access to items that represent totems; they are the totems used in the spells. If you've got an elemental totem available in your possession you'll be in a position to cast totem-based spells that are based on the element. it's possible to cast as many as four totems that are specific to each element, however you're limited to having one totem for each element active at time. For instance, if you are carrying one of the Earth Totem and a Fire Totem in your bag, then you can cast the Searing Totem and an Earthbind Totem and have them inactive at the same time but you cannot cast simultaneously the Earthbind Totem and the Strong of Earth Totem, since they're both of one of the Earth element. If you've got the four totems in your inventory it will be possible to have four totems simultaneously.

As previously mentioned, Cataclysm Classic Gold totems are distinct to the shaman in the sense that they are spells that make small items in the field (in the form of a totem. Are you sick of the word?) which can provide a range of effects, ranging from direct damage to enemies and buffing your team or debuffing your enemies. The most important thing to consider is that Totems are susceptible to being targeted by enemies that will end the effect, however in the majority of PVE fights this shouldn't cause much trouble. If the Totem is destroyed however, they're simple to cast again and they're invulnerable to the majority of area-of-effect spells.

Shelie paley

13 Blog posts
