This really is just the start of the economic break within our delicate economy. A break that's just finding broader and pretty soon our whole economy should come crashing down on an unsuspecting public. All because the media is sometimes oblivious to the facts or are intentionally steering the general public far from the true state of our economy. With the retail business ongoing it's decrease is more apparent each week when there wherever around 6,000 shops that shut in the initial half this year alone. More closures continue to display the disturbing signs that all isn't effectively and good in the National economy.
Today, 50% of our population can't match their fundamental needs like food, shelter, clear fresh water and almost everything required for daily living eb5 investment projects. The disposable incomes for over 80% of the people is totally inadequate to meet today's charge of living. The media maintains telling us that people have a suprisingly low unemployment number but what they fail to record is that the United States has more than 100 million Americans that don't have careers at all.
Our when strong manufacturing foundation has just withered and died on the vine of all of the corporate changes to out source National jobs around seas. Today's farmers are going broke at an interest rate higher than these were in the 1970's. Consumer spending has dropped to an all time low. This just provides yet another dimension to the countries important condition. When we include the Trumps tariff wars has only escalated and exasperated the crippling ramifications of our whole economic future.
More to the point is the fact that the future is really in our arms but we ought to behave with decisive activity now, not latter, if we are likely to not just endure but prosper. You will find ways to do exactly that but we first have to understand just how poor points have gotten and work with a program of path that details solutions to the many urgent disaster of our times. That approach of path is what National Financial Reform's Twenty Articles of Confederation and the National Financial Protection Reformation Behave details. And when they're both executed this state and the planet can be solidified in a much brighter future for all.
Clark kent
19 Blog posts