Gul'dan's skull is well-protected

The first objective is to get to the Gul'dan's skull,

Gul'dan's skull is well-protected.

The first objective is to get to the Gul'dan's skull, that is guarded in the upper right-hand corner by a number of felhounds and infernals. Gold mines are located in the north and west from your home, therefore you should expand into one of these when you are able to. Be aware that they'll be a little WoW Classic SoD Gold attacked by doom guards as well as corrupted satyrs. Your army will be moving around between your base and your expanding base on a regular basis If you're planning to divide your army into two and have one soldier on each of the bases, it's a great option to do it.

There are two night elf settlements, both around half way across the map on either side. It is possible to destroy them when you wish to end the satyr attack on your bases. The most annoying attacks are those made by felhounds and doom guards but they are displayed on the map through demon gates. Therefore, razing the bases is a bit of a luxury.

Tichondrius Guard is more difficult.

When you've got a huge assault force, make your way to the Gul'dan's skull. With enough troops, you'll be able to take on the doom guards and the infernals who guard the treasure. Illidan's ability to burn himself is a huge advantage in battle, as is the druid's claw's sound. Kill the skull's guardians and then shift Illidan towards it in order to trigger the transformation process. When he is transformed into a demon, your objective is to eliminate Tichondrius and Tichondrius, who are located in the upper right corner of the map.

Tichondrius is a hefty doom guardsman and will summon many infernals too which means he's very secured. Furthermore, he's got over 1,700 hits and only Illidan could cause harm to WoW SoD Gold him. Being a demon Illidan is a ranged attacker and your best option is to completely surround Illidan with claw-like druids and huntresses, who will act as buffers when he strikes Tichondrius in a distance that isn't his. Do not worry about the death of anyone of Tichondrius Guardsmen. Once Illidan dies, the job will be done. To take him down is very difficult, so be sure to make sure to take as many troops as you can before you take on.

taoaxue tao

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