Everyone should be aware If you've not already heard, but chances are, you know, because I'm talking about like one of the biggest modifications. Moving to WoW Classic SoD Gold the PvP aspect of things. You know that the two arena bracket, you couldn't gain gladiator back in day, because it was really unbalanced. I remember, you know, I feel that I really believe that Paladin warrior and rogue priest were some of those just most overpowered to v2 teams.
Certain teams are just like which could easily be Gladiator. But you know, I mean, someone posted one of their comments, for instance, Oh, why not just play that team comp It's not too powerful if players are playing in the same team comp. I suppose it's however, how about all the other players on their comps?
What I'm trying to say is that they're gonna allow it you know now in the classic So, if you're a fan of Tos, which by the way, TOS is a lot of fun. You can get gladiator through two's once more which is pretty cool. You know, why not? There's a change that's coming, you know and it's a further aspect that it's likely to be very different this time around at the time they were able to obtain a number of different badges, switching over to PvE. Thus, the emblems of Valor are expected to drop at the end of every raid during the wrath of Lich King.
It was it was, you know, various emblems, based on the tear heroics' drop of WoW Classic Season of Discovery Gold a different emblem I think you would have had three or four different symbols due to the wrath of God. It became quite bizarre. But this is actually going to simplify it in my opinion. You get the emblems of heroism from the heroics