scenic area signage What do you need to pay attention to when making and installing scenic area Signage

scenic area signage

A good scenic area signage is just like a silent guide to guide our tourists on the way. scenic area signage vividly shows a mountain, a stone, a tree, a grass, a brick and a tile, completely with the effect of silence and sound at this time.

There are many kinds of materials, the more common is wood, stone, metal, synthetic materials, etc., different materials have different characteristics, the production is based on the environmental characteristics of the scenic spot selection of materials, the production process requires exquisite specifications, strong and durable, the text, the icon is not easy to corrosion, not easy to fade, easy to clean.

The appearance of scenic area signage will affect the tourists' impression of the scenic spot to a certain extent, and some thought is required in the design. Not only should scenic area signage have smooth and beautiful appearance, but also stable and convenient installation combination. Logo font and icon design should also conform to aesthetic principles.

scenic area signage choice of location

Signage can play a better role in the scenic area, to choose the right route point for installation, so that tourists can identify the accurate information location at a glance. Especially at some forks, give tourists tips to guide to scenic spots, as well as the overall scenic route and scenic spot signs should be reasonably arranged.

scenic area signage Points for installation

The firmness and long use time of the scenic area signage, to a certain extent, has a very large connection with its installation, the installation depth of the sign plate should meet the specified requirements, do a good job of solid reinforcement measures, and install in strict accordance with the requirements and specifications.

scenic area signage

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