You can purchase real human skull replicas from several online retailers, but you should be aware of the legal and ethical considerations around owning human remains.
Many online stores sell realistic-looking human skull replicas, often made from materials like resin or cast from real specimens.
- Dinosaur Corporation offering a "Human Skull, Male" replica for $198 with free shipping[7].
However, the sale of actual human skulls and bones is heavily regulated in most countries. In the United States, it is generally legal to possess and sell human remains, with some exceptions and restrictions[13]. Ethical concerns also exist around the sourcing and display of human remains.
If you are interested in acquiring a human skull, whether for educational, scientific, or personal purposes, it is crucial to ensure you are purchasing a verified replica from a reputable seller and to be aware of all relevant laws and regulations in your area. Authentic human remains should only be obtained through proper legal and ethical channels.